Béziers - one of the most photographed views in France !

Béziers - one of the most photographed views in France !

  “My journey from that delectable spot (Carcassonne) lasted a couple of hours and was performed in darkness - a darkness not so dense, however but that I was able to make out, as we passed it, the great figure of Béziers, whose ancient roofs and towers, clustered on a goodly hill-top, looked as fantastic as you please. I know not what appearance Béziers may present by day, but by night it has quite the grand air.”

Henry James - from “A little Tour in France”, 1884

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Région: Languedoc-Roussillon
Département: Hérault
Commune: Béziers
Photographer: Victoria or Damian Cronin

My Holiday Apartement in Béziers

Béziers - one of the most photographed views in France !