PÉZENAS (Les Piscénois)

Easily visited from Béziers, the small town of Pézenas is built on the remains of Roman Piscenae. It became an important commercial center with a brisk trade in wool, wine, and eau de vie from its surrounding vineyards. For almost 250 years (c. 1450-1700), Pezenas was the seat of the Governors of Languedoc. Succeeding Governors and their entourages built sumptuous private houses in the Old Town, now protected as a historic monument. Moliére created his “summer theatre there, under the Patronege of HRH The Prince du Conti during the 1650s

Just inside this entrance is the old "Jewish Guetto", dating back to the 14th. Century.

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Région: Languedoc-Roussillon
Département: Hérault
Commune: Pézenas
Photographer: Malcolm Reynard - personal website
PÉZENAS (Les Piscénois)