Emile Suchon

On the 12th May 1907 (Period of the wine wars) in Béziers more than 150 thousand people marched the town's streets. On the banners they carried had slogans like « The Victory or death », « Death to the fraudsters » ; « Enough talk, action », « Bread or death » & « Live working or die fighting ». The protesters came from more than 200 communes in the region and they were joined by plenty of the town's employees & tradespeople, the march ended with speeches by Mr Marcellin Albert, and the Mayor of Béziers (1924-1932), Mr Emile Suchon, in the « Place de la Citadelle » now known as the « Place Jean Jaurès ». This statue of Emile Suchon is in the Place de Gaulle, now the main bus terminus, in front of the College Paul Riquet

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Région: Languedoc-Roussillon
Département: Hérault
Commune: Béziers
Photographer: Google Maps
Emile Suchon